Embedded System
Embedded System Training Information
An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts.
GenCor Patna Center is providing embedded system training with projects as a part of Industrial training.
Eligibility:B. Tech/M. tech/B. Sc Electronics/ITI Electronics
Course Duration: 60 Hrs./6 Weeks/1.5 Months
- Fundamental Knowledge of Electronics / Electrical System.
- Embedded System Introduction, Micro-Controller Introduction & History,
- Introduction of 8051 Family of Micro-Controller, 8051 Architecture, Assembly language programming
- Description of Components, uses & Differences.
- Bread-Boarding: Placement & Routing.
- Fundamental Knowledge of Mechanical, Workshop Knowledge and Attitude,
- Control System Design, Manual Operation, Degree of Freedom, Chassis Designing.
- Power Unit Design, Power Optimization
- Types of System & System Hierarchy.
- 8051 Micro-controller Family, Internal Architecture of RAM, 8051 Programming Architecture
- Comparison of 8051 with AVR,PIC
- PIN Description of 8051/8031, Input/output Pin Architecture of 8051,
- Embedded C Programming, Program Burning in Micro-controller
- Differential Drive System, Actuator Design,
- Control Unit Architecture, Control Logic Design, Circuit Designing & Integrated Circuits
- Sensors: Circuits, Types & Uses, Motor Driving Circuit, Power Unit Design,
- Robotics, Robot and Applications of Robotics.
- Different Modules of Robotic System, Artificial Intelligence.
- Programming Simulation & Debugging
- Control Unit Architecture & Design
- Analysis of EMI & EMC.
- Circuit Design Issues, Soldering & De-soldering
- Different Segments Connectivity and Display.
- ISM Band.
- RF Signal.
- Master-Slave Communication.
- DTMF Logic Study.
- Basics of AVR and Interfacing
- Basic of PIC and Interfacing
- Test & Competition among participants, Result & Revision, Conclusion & Videos.
- PCB Design
Embedded Project Work/Interfacing with Micro controller
- Battery Charger.
- Wired Controlled Robot.
- Wireless Controlled Robot.
- Line Follower Robot.
- Collision Avoidance Robot.
- Mobile Phone Operated Robot.
- Boundary Constrained Robot.
- Fire Sensors.
- Automatic Plant Irrigator.
- Water Label Indicator
- Darkness Control Light System/Street Light.
- LED Interfacing,
- LED Pattern, Decorating light
- 7-Segment Display Interface.
- Multiplexed 7 – Segment Display.
- Alphanumeric Segment display
- Gateway Counter
- Bi-directional Visitor Counter
- Home Automation Using Mobile Phone.
- 8-Bit LCD Interfacing.
- Special Character/Symbol on LCD
- Dynamic Moving LCD Display.
- LED Dot Matrix Interfacing
- Linear & Matrix Keypad Interfacing.
- Password Protected Entry System.
- ADC Interfacing
- Multi-Channel ADC Interfacing
- Projects related to ADC
- Serial Communication.
- Computer controlled Appliance
- Computer controlled Robot
- Remote controlled Appliance
- RFID Base Authentication System.
- RFID Based Project
- RTC Interfacing
- I2C Communication.
And many more……………